Sun-Air research institute

FUM’s Sun-Air Research institute (SARI) was opened in 2011, tasked with research on, technology, design and commercialization of renewable energies and storage methods.

The institute’s human resources include academics and experts in the industries, including faculty members, researchers and graduate students.

SARI’s missions are:

1- Design and production of wind turbines and quality assessment according to international standards

2- Design and production of photovoltaic cells and quality assessment according to international standards

3- R&D in energy storage

SARI’s goals are:

1- Design, indigenization and manufacturing wind turbines on at the megawatt scale

2- Manufacturing high-efficiency photovoltaic cells, including organic, silicone and thin layer cells

3- Establishing reference laboratories for wind and solar energy

Summary of Past Projects:

1- Design, production and quality assessment of horizontal axis 3kW wind turbine

2- designing and manufacturing small turbine simulator

3- Feasibility studies on various methods of harvesting solar energy

4-Designing a 110 kW plant

5- Feasibility studies on utilizing solar energy for greenhouses

6- Construction of photovoltaic field laboratory

7- Optimization and design of a single axis sun tracer

8- Designing solar backup systems

9- Designing green roofs for municipality of Mashhad

10- Dissembley and data collection from a 660 kW turbine

Summary of Current Projects

1- Design, production and quality assessment of a 100kW turbine

2- Wind and solar radiation evaluation in Khorasan

3- Synthesis of raw materials used in the production of solar cells

4- Manufacturing an automatic sun tracer

5- Design an execution of a household photovoltaic system

6- Study on several simulators for renewable energies

Future Projects

1- Research phase of a megawatt scale turbine

2- Production of a megawatt scale turbine

3- Research on novel methods of energy storage

4- Design, production and optimization of solar cells


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